Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

All in all, it's been a pretty awesome 2010. I've seen a space shuttle launch, travelled to Europe, met wonderful new people, deepened friendships with others, watched my children mature, making mistakes all along the way.  I've been a great mom, and wife, and on some days, a pretty horrible mom and wife.  I've transitioned through three bosses at work, worked part time and full time, experiencing great successes and failures along the way.  In short, I've grown a lot this year and learned more about what I am capable and not capable of.

My father doesn't make resolutions.  In fact, he is known for resolving each year not to eat watermelon, which is one of the few foods my dad hates.  So I was anti-resolution until a few years back, but I have thought about a few things I would like to do.

1)Read through the Bible
  I got way behind with this last year, and while I think there is a very good chance of that happening again this year, this is one of those resolutions it just can't hurt to try every year.  I am trying a new reading plan that has you read in 10 different places each day.  I always enjoy some parts of the Bible more than others, so I think the variety will help me.  Don't you feel so much better when you are in the Word every day?  I have been doing a few different devotionals through my You Version Bible app and on the days when I am not reading, I always seem to look back at my day as unbalanced and disconnected.  Since I do not like feeling that way, getting into the Word seems a good way to go!

2)Keep up with the house
  I've been home a lot more this past month, and I've seen that keeping up with the house is more about doing a little bit each day and keeping on top of things than grand cleaning days.  So with the help of another app, I am going to work on being more consistent with the home.  The goal is 15 minutes and a few standard things each day.  Hopefully when I have a fiber flare, I can still do a little, and not be as overwhelmed when I get back to normal.

3)Wash my face every night
  It is sad that I have to make this a resolution.  I love wearing makeup, but I am baaaaaaaad about taking it off each night.  Hopefully, now that I have my new Clarsonic Mia, I will be more motivated to do it.  I love that little face cleaning wonder!  In case you are curious, Each night I put on a little coconut oil (available at your local Whole Foods) before I brush my teeth, wipe that off with a wet washcloth to get all my varied makeup off, remove eye makeup and then wash with a little cleanser and my Mia.  As a side note, did you know that coconut oil has similar antimicrobial qualities to breastmilk, which help acne? If I don't wear makeup that day, like today, then I just do the cleanser and Mia.  I still brush my teeth though.  Because that's important, according to my dentist and mother.

So, my friends, I hope you have had a wonderful 2010, and if you haven't, I pray that 2011 is a blessed year for all of us.  

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